Qual­ity as­sur­ance, han­dover and mon­it­or­ing

Qual­ity as­sur­ance, han­dover and mon­it­or­ing

Sat­urday, 4 May 2019, 2:20 pm, Großer Saal (ground floor), sim­ul­tan­eous trans­la­tion in­to Eng­lish


This session will contain the very impressive monitoring results of a number of Passive House projects across Europe. The impressive results of the Heidelberg Bahnstadt project, verified by operational measurements, show a 95% reduction in greenhouse gasses for the district, a remarkable result. The details of the monitoring program for the Bahnstadt district will be presented for the session attendees and an in depth look at the operational performance will be undertaken.

The monitoring project for a school in Halle, Germany will demonstrate how an integrated renewable energy plan can provide almost all of the needs of a school building. This detailed monitoring program has also been used by the building’s designers to optimise the performance of the renewable energy and building systems after the school’s commissioning and further enhance the operational performance. This session will also contain the latest work from the Passive House Institute on the monitoring of large buildings and the post commissioning optimisation of operational performance.


Time Top­ic Speak­er
2:20 pm Three years mo­ni­to­ring ana­ly­sis of two re­si­den­ti­al NZEBs Fa­bi­an Ochs
2:45 pm

Com­mis­sion­ing & Mon­it­or­ing as the key to suc­cess

Wolfgang Hasper
  Qual­ity as­sur­ance of the plan­ning and con­struc­tion phases of Pass­ive House build­ings has been es­tab­lished through train­ing pro­grams (Cer­ti­fied Pass­ive House de­sign­ers and crafts­men) and product and build­ing cer­ti­fic­a­tion. Nevertheless, systematic startup procedures play a key role in successful operation, especially for larger buildings. The practices currently used in the construction industry are often inadequate in this respect, and at times, undiscovered weakness originating in the planning phase come to light. In monitoring the building, systematic measurements are performed and compared against expected values, while taking into account the boundary conditions. The results form the basis for any targeted actions.  
3:10 pm

Mon­it­or­ing in the Bahn­stadt

Wal­ter Or­lik
  The Bahn­stadt dis­trict in Heidel­berg is cur­rently the site of the largest Pass­ive House set­tle­ment in the world. However, have the ef­forts made by the city of Heidel­berg to en­sure qual­ity paid off? KliBA has evaluated the values for district heating and electricity demand for 14 residential building plots with a total of around 2,300 residential units. The conclusion: Together with the new wood-fired combined heat and power plant, 95% CO2 reduction will be achieved. A close look at the heat flow shows that the heating energy is mostly in the target corridor and that the building envelope is unproblematic. Three construction sites are currently being analysed in more detail.  
3:35 pm

Less is more - op­er­at­ing ex­per­i­en­ce from the Pass­ive House school St. Fran­cis in Halle / Saale

Ka­ti Ja­gnow
  The two-track St. Fran­cis Primary School in Halle (Saale) is built al­most en­tirely from a tim­ber con­struc­tion and meets the Pass­ive House Stand­ard. It began op­er­a­tion in 2014. The school uses a geo­therm­al heat ex­changer for air pre­heat­ing, thermal sol­ar col­lect­ors, photo­vol­ta­ic and rain­wa­ter. Between 2013 and 2018, the school was com­pre­hens­ively mon­itored. The en­ergy concept has been ev­al­u­ated; fur­ther­more, ex­em­plary com­pon­ents and ideas have been iden­ti­fied. The present­a­tion ex­plains es­sen­tial mon­it­or­ing res­ults and also in­dic­ates with which meas­ure­ment tech­no­logy and per­son­nel ex­pense the find­ings could be ob­tained.