Pass­ive House Slam


Pas­sive House Slam: Chal­lenges in prac­tice and how to mas­ter them!

Fri­day, 3 May 2019, 6:30 pm, Ro­bert-Schu­mann-Zim­mer (1st floor)


We want to hear your an­ec­dotes!

Do you count your­self among the old hands of Pass­ive House de­sign­ers and have already gathered a lot of ex­per­i­en­ce in Pass­ive House pro­jects?

When asked, "What would you do dif­fer­ently next time?" Does a funny an­ec­dote or les­son learnt spring to mind? That's ex­actly what we want to hear!

... at our in­aug­ur­al Pass­ive House Slam at the Heidel­berg Pass­ive House con­fer­en­ce!


Would you like to join?

Send an e-mail with the sub­ject line "Pass­ive House Slam" to sabine.still­ by April 15th.

The e-mail should con­tain:

- 5 sen­tences about your an­ec­dote / ex­per­i­en­ce / les­son learned that you would like to tell the audi­en­ce
- 3 Power­Point slides with pic­tures, no text!

If you are se­lec­ted, you will have 5 minutes on Fri­day even­ing (3 May 2019) to present your an­ec­dote in a nut­shell and then talk to oth­er de­sign­ers.

Join in the fun and let’s talk, laugh and learn to­geth­er!



"A smart per­son does not make all the mis­takes him­self, he also gives oth­ers a chance."

Learn­ing from the ex­per­i­en­ces of oth­er plan­ners and talk­ing to like-minded people is the aim of this ses­sion!
Which plan­ning steps and de­tails that are not im­me­di­ately ob­vi­ous should you pay at­ten­tion in ad­vance?

With a tongue in cheek, ar­chi­tects and en­gin­eers can briefly and hu­mor­ously re­port on pro­fes­sion­al chal­lenges they have over­come as part of their Pass­ive House work!