Fu­ture-proofed ret­ro­fit­ting

Fu­ture-proofed ret­ro­fit­ting (in Ger­man)

Sat­urday, 4 May 2019, 11:10 am, Ball­saal (1st floor)


Time Top­ic Speak­er
11:10 am

A step-by-step school ret­ro­fit

Mi­cheel Was­souf
  The present­a­tion dis­cusses the tech­nic­al, lo­gist­ic­al, and cul­tur­al chal­lenges of the first En­erPHit ret­ro­fit­ted Span­ish school build­ing. The ele­ment­ary school "El Gar­ro­fer" was ret­ro­fittted to im­prove its en­ergy ef­fi­ciency in the sum­mer of 2018.  The cli­ent de­cided in the plan­ning phase for a cer­ti­fic­a­tion ac­cord­ing to the En­erPhit stand­ard. The build­ing re­turned to op­er­a­tion late 2018. The first experiences in winter were very positive, and the first practical test of the buiding is planned for this summer. The feasibility of active air cooling is currently being studied for application in a second construction phase. In addition to the topics mentioned, the author will also present the first energy consumption and comfort data.  
11:30 am

Pass­ive House: It's worth it - es­pe­cially for ret­ro­fits!
Duet of en­vel­ope and vent­il­a­tion

Franz Fre­un­dor­fer
  80% of the ret­ro­fit work car­ried out today does not achieve the op­tim­um cost in terms of in­vest­ment and op­er­at­ing costs. En­erPHit is the only prac­tic­al roadmap to avoid this di­lemma. There are some suppliers that are ready and waiting with envelopes and windows that fit together like two pieces of a puzzle. However, the integration of ventilation via one supplier is still completely missing.  If the ventilation unit could be integrated into an existing window opening , with ventilation ducts being laid in front of the previous wall when adding exterior ventilation, we would see resulting cost and comfort advantages. This beneficial arrangement offer the retrofitting client comfort and vetilation while reducing the total annual costs.  
11:50 pm Ren­ov­a­tion of an old town­house to the Pass­ive House stand­ard in a con­ser­va­tion area Ka­ter­ina Mer­ten­ova, Mar­tin Au­gustin
12:10 pm

Ret­ro­fit­ting a res­id­en­tial build­ing in Vi­enna and pre­serving the his­tor­ic facade

Helmut Schöberl, Ernst Schriefl
  The pre­ser­va­tion of his­tor­ic or her­it­age-pro­tec­ted facades and the achieve­ment of an ex­cep­tion­al en­ergy stand­ard may ap­pear to be con­tra­dict­ory ob­ject­ives, but need not ne­ces­sar­ily be, as the high-qual­ity re­fur­bish­ment of a res­id­en­tial build­ing from the 19th cen­tury in Vi­enna shows. The building, originally built in 1872, was severely damaged by a gas explosion in 2014 and then refurbished in the following years. The building successfully certified according to the EnerPHit standard in 2018 and also achieved first place at the Vienna Urban Renewal Award 2018.   
12:30 pm Ret­ro­fit­ting with PFEF­FER (pre­fab­ric­ated ele­ments for fast en­er­get­ic ren­ov­a­tion) Ro­land Matzig