
Air­tight­ness (in Eng­lish)

Fri­day, 3 May 2019, 4:40 pm, Kam­mer­mu­siksaal (level 1)


Airtightness is a fundamental characteristic of a Passive House building and this lecture session will delve deeper into some of the advancements in testing methodologies that have evolved over the previous years, as the size of Passive House buildings has increased.

The requirements for airtightness testing of large or very tall buildings are significantly different to those of a small single family dwellings and these issues will be investigated, with lessons learned from some of the largest Passive House buildings presented to attendees.  The significant challenges to airtightness testing of skyscrapers, including the stack and thermal effects, will be investigated and the new Passive House Tall Building Airtightness Measurement Guidelines will be presented to conference attendees.


Time Top­ic Speak­er
4:40 pm

Air­tight­ness in Cent­ral Europe - Plan­ning Prin­ciples for Air­tight­ness

Wolfgang Hasper
  Pass­ive Houses gain much of their proven com­fort and health as­pects as well as longev­ity from greatly re­duced in­filt­ra­tion. Pass­ive Houses reg­u­larly achieve very high levels of air­tight­ness with the ma­jor­ity of cases out­per­form­ing the 0.6 ACH re­quire­ment. As soon as the air­tight­ness of the build­ing fab­ric be­comes an ac­cep­ted design ob­ject­ive it is moreover a par­tic­u­larly cost-ef­fect­ive means to boost the en­ergy per­form­ance of build­ings. With in­creased de­mand, the avail­ab­il­ity of spe­cial­ised products has im­proved and is cur­rently evolving in­to com­pre­hens­ive air­tight­ness sys­tems that provide ready-made solu­tions for all stand­ard de­tail­ing found around any build­ing en­vel­ope.  
5:05 pm

Air­tight­ness in the Heidel­berg Bahn­stadt

Thomas Kirtschig, Mat­thi­as Lai­dig
  Us­ing vari­ous ex­amples from the Bahn­stadt Heidel­berg, we show how we pro­ceed with air­tight­ness meas­ure­ments in lar­ger build­ings, in which dif­fi­cult meas­ur­ing con­di­tions some­times oc­cur, as well as how we deal with them and why air­tight­ness meas­ure­ments in Pass­ive Houses in­cur lower costs than in oth­er build­ings. Over the past 25 years, we have seen sig­ni­fic­ant de­vel­op­ments in the air seal­ing of build­ings. Vari­ous meas­ure­ment meth­ods are shown which provide an ad­equate check of the real­ized build­ing air­tight­ness.  
5:30 pm

Meas­ur­ing air­tight­ness in highrise build­ings

Jür­gen Schnieders

The stand­ard ISO 9972 is not al­ways help­ful when meas­ur­ing the air­tight­ness of high-rise build­ings. There are many points to con­sider, es­pe­cially due to the stack ef­fect. These points are ex­amined, and the Pass­ive House In­sti­tu­te presents a guide for the air­tight­ness meas­ure­ment of sky­scrapers.

5:55 pm Les­sons from de­liv­er­ing air­tight­ness from 10 years of UK PH test­ing Paul Jen­nings