Pass­ive House - it's worth it!

Pas­siv­e House - it's worth it! How do I ex­plain that to my build­er?

Fri­day, 3 May 2019, 11:15 am, Ball­saal (1st floor)


Time Top­ic Speak­er
11:15 am In­tro­duct­ory talk: What does a great build­ing stand­ard of­fer be­sides low en­ergy costs? Ro­bert Schild
11:40 am
Hearts and Minds: the jour­ney from Pass­ive House fac­tu­al to emo­tion­al en­gage­ment
Ron­ald Mey­er
12:05 pm Op­por­tun­it­ies and how to con­vey them to build­ing con­tract­ors: from the ba­sic idea to fund­ing. Ge­org Ziel­ke
12:30 pm Where fail­ure oc­curs in con­trolled venila­tion. Find­ings of an in­hib­it­or ana­lys­is. Flo­rin Von­dung