Non-res­id­en­tial build­ings with spe­cial re­quire­ments

Non-res­id­en­tial build­ings with spe­cial re­quire­ments

Fri­day, 3 May 2019, 2:20 pm, Großer Saal (ground floor), sim­ul­tan­eous trans­la­tion in­to Eng­lish


Many people think that only small single family homes can be built to the Passive House standard, but as practitioners know, any building can be realised as a Passive House. In this session the presenters will explore some of the new types of buildings that have been realised to the Passive House standard over the past few years. In Germany a number of indoor swimming and leisure centres have been constructed to the Passive House standard and this has resulted in significant lifetime operational cost savings. The details of these projects and the new Passive House guidelines for these centres will be discussed in this session.

Later in 2019 the very first Passive House hospital will be completed in Frankfurt, Germany and the details of this ground breaking project will be presented to session attendees.  With OECD nations facing an ageing population, energy efficient buildings such as Hospital Frankfurt-Höchst, as well as other medical and aged-care facilities, will be increasingly important to the economic future of these nations.  A multi-function community centre / school / child care centre will also be presented in this session and show how Passive House buildings are the perfect solution to facilities that require superior indoor comfort and air quality.


Time Top­ic Speak­er
2:30 pm

Hos­pit­al Frank­furt-Höchst

Kars­ten Va­len­tin
  Build­ing a hos­pit­al to the Pass­ive House Stand­ard is a spe­cial chal­lenge. Why would a fin­an­ci­er/share­hold­er opt for such a pi­lot pro­ject? The defin­i­tion of the frame­work para­met­ers was jointly de­ve­loped in the plan­ning phase, dur­ing dia­logue re­gard­ing the con­flict­ing areas of "en­ergy ef­fi­ciency the­ory and eco­nom­ic feas­ib­il­ity". How does one de­vel­op a new stand­ard? The ex­per­i­en­ces and pre­vi­ous tasks of all those in­volved are presen­ted and sup­por­ted with prac­tic­al ex­amples. In this present­a­tion, key pro­ject fig­ures will be dis­cussed as well as ideas about the lim­its of the giv­en pos­sib­il­it­ies.  

2:55 pm

Guide to Pass­ive House Swim­ming Pools Es­th­er Goll­wit­zer
3:20 pm Pass­ive House - The build­ing solu­tion Flo­ri­an Lang
3:45 pm Pro­ject "B3": School - Child care - Com­mu­nity Centre Mar­tin Uf­heil