Mu­ni­cip­al im­ple­ment­a­tion and Pass­ive House dis­tricts

Mu­ni­cip­al im­ple­ment­a­tion and Pass­ive House dis­tricts

Fri­day, 3 May 2019, 11:15 am, Großer Saal (ground floor), sim­ul­tan­eous trans­la­tion in­to Eng­lish


Passive House has grown exponentially since its foundations in the mid-1980s and the construction of the first building in 1990 and today one of the emerging topics is Passive House regions and districts.  Heidelberg itself is home to the largest completed Passive House district in the world and in this session the urban planning processes of Passive House districts will be investigated. 

Session attendees will be able to hear from members of the Heidelberg Bahnstadt team about the development and progress of this world leading district.  The session will also include presentations from two other German projects, from the cities of Waldorf, Lohfelden and Niderau, on the implementation of Passive House building standards at the regional level.  A special session on renewable energy powered district heating will also be presented.  This session will be essential viewing for all practitioners interested in seeing Passive House advance to the next level of development – Passive House Cities.


Time Top­ic Speak­er
11:15 am Bahn­stadt Heidel­berg: Urb­an plan­ning pro­cesses to achieve the Pass­ive House dis­trict and qual­ity as­sur­ance Ro­bert Per­sch, Ralf Ber­mich
11:40 am Green long-dis­tance heat­ing Mar­kus Mor­lock
12:05 pm

The city of Wall­dorf - act­ive for Pass­ive House build­ings

Chris­tia­ne Staab
En­vir­on­ment­al and cli­mate pro­tec­tion are of the ut­most im­port­ance in Wall­dorf. We are Ganz.Schön.Fair - that is our Fairtrade-city motto.  We summarise our environmental and climate protection work un­der the slo­gan: Good ideas - Good cli­mate - Wall­dorf. We not only want to live well in Wall­dorf, we also want to en­sure a good cli­mate and fair and good liv­ing con­di­tions world­wide.  
12:30 pm De­vel­op­ment area for a Pass­ive House es­tate: The ex­ample set by the mu­ni­cip­al­it­ies of Lo­hfelden and Nid­de­rau, a Hes­si­an pi­lot pro­ject Arne Keßler