Cost-ef­fect­ive sup­ply solu­tions

Cost-ef­fect­ive sup­ply solu­tions (in Ger­man)

Sat­urday, 4 May 2019, 2:20 pm, Ball­saal (1st floor)


Time Top­ic Speak­er
2:20 pm Over­view: split units / com­pact units for heat­ing and cool­ing and ex­per­i­en­ces mon­it­or­ing  in Kranich­stein Bert­hold Kauf­mann
2:45 pm

Cost-ef­fect­ive heat sup­ply con­cepts: Pass­ive House versus Low-en­ergy build­ing

Ben­ja­min Krick
  As part of a para­met­er study, dif­fer­ent sup­ply sys­tems in a Pass­ive House and a low-en­ergy house are com­pared. The study shows that all Pass­ive House vari­ants have eco­nom­ic ad­vant­ages over the low-en­ergy house vari­ants. At the Pass­ive House level, the ex­amined vari­ants res­ult in sim­il­ar life cycle costs, which res­ults in the cli­ent hav­ing a wide range of cost-ef­fect­ive sup­ply sys­tems avail­able. There are slight fin­an­cial ad­vant­ages for heat pump sys­tems.  
3:10 pm Ven­ti­la­ti­on, Hea­ting and DHW pre­pa­ra­ti­on with de­cen­tral com­pact he­at pumps Fa­bi­an Ochs
3:35 pm Ex­cess­ive hot wa­ter con­sump­tion? Why? How can you re­duce hot wa­ter de­mand? Jes­si­ca Gro­ve-Smith